About the Author

Salut! Je m'appelle Emily!

I’m a high school French teacher in Canada and I have been teaching for 7 years. I started teaching in 2016 and started sharing my resources in 2020. I created EZ Inspiration because I had a hard time finding authentic and engaging French resources that I could use in my classroom. With my background in research and love of planning, I decided to create my own resources and share them to help French teachers around the world. I absolutely adore the French language and aim to make learning French as fun as possible. 

5 Facts about Me

1. I completed my Masters in French Studies in 2017. My thesis focused on Students’ Second Language Identification to the French Language. I interviewed various students who graduated from Core and Immersion French programs and we talked about their positive and negative experiences when learning French. The results confirmed that authentic oral activities related to culture were the most appreciated by students and helped foster their love of the French language. This is why oral and culture are huge components in my EZ Inspiration French resources!


2. I did an exchange in France during my last year of university. It was the best French experience of my life. I lived in Tours, France and learned so much about the language, culture and its history while I was there.


3. I have two beautiful daughters. My oldest is starting school next year and I will be an absolute mess. We have decided to enroll her in the French language school close to our house. We are so blessed to have provincially public funded French language schools in Canada and my goal is for my children to become bilingual one day.


4. I love to read! Whenever I have a free moment in the evening, I love to cuddle on my couch, light a candle and open a book. Every year I participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge and read at least 52 books a year. My favorite genre is historical fiction (particularly any books relating to WWII).


5. I also teach mathematics at my high school. Everyone is shocked when I tell them what I teach because French and Math are polar opposite subjects. However, I love the uniqueness of each of these subjects and the different skills I get to practice when teaching them. My favorite math subject to teach is Calculus and I LOVE marking Math tests, which I know is super wierd!

Things I love









Want to Build Your French Resource Repertoire ?

I also offer many FREE resources to French teachers. Please check out my TPT store to browse the freebies and subscribe to my emailing list to help plan your French courses and save you so much prep time.

These free resources pair well with other resources in my store. You will find recommended resources at the end of each document or bundles that they are linked to in the descriptions to give you an idea. 

« Fais de ton rêve une réalité et fais de ta vie une source d'inspiration pour les autres. »

EZ Inspiration

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